Get ready to sweat with Spincitas! Your instructor is our Boss Cita Monica, who is all about feeling the burn and keeping the energy up! Monica absolutely loves her Spincitas, and would love to have you aboard. Monica says, “When spin calls, you answer me in pedal strokes!”
Ask any of our Citas and they will say the same thing: Monica is friendly, approachable, knowledgeable and does a terrific job of igniting a spark of interest in spin classes so veterans and beginners feel comfortable and confident. Keep the energy flowing and feel the burn when you choose Spincitas!
Learn MoreSpin classes have recently enjoyed a resurgence as the word continues to spread about their ability to produce results through high-calorie burning. Those interested in answering the call to spin as a way to lose weight or stay in shape can expect to burn 500 to 700 calories in a single hour-long class.
Many people don’t know that spin classes are excellent for mental relief as well. In addition to improved overall well-being, spin:
At Spincitas, we’re pretty sure you’ll make a new friend or two as well. Sign up for your first class today and see how Spincitas can benefit your health, physically and mentally!
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